Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Great Mustaches

"Image," for a pastor, is largely appearance.  Appearance has its limits of acceptability.  As a pastor I am forever locked into some of its accommodations.  My daughters presented me with a "Great Mustaches" T-Shirt on my recent birthday.  I have only to grow one of them (or maybe pierce an ear) and I could test just how important appearance is to my new congregation - and for my tenure.  My late mother-in-law hated t-shirts.  I will never forget her reaction to the youth camp t-shirt that had "Go to Hell" on the front and "Or Heaven, it's your choice," on the back.  Youth loved it - Younda and the camp director labeled it "vulgar," (even "unchristian").  I am probably better off without a mustache - besides it would probably look more like a "molestache" (coined by my daughters - "a creepy man's mustache").  Maybe I will try wearing blue jeans in the pulpit like one of those Mega-church pastors do.  Probably not - I will probably just continue to wear suits until summer - then an oxford button down...just like Jesus wants.

I have a good friend who is considered a radical among his ministerial peers.  He is big on dying for Jesus.  He doesn't seem to worry much about his image.  He wears a t-shirt and jeans - and even wears his mustache in the pulpit.   We have confessed and shared our "visions" and "calls." The remarkable thing about him is that even with a mustache and jeans he seems to be able to funnel the wide interests of his congregation into narrow channels.  When a river narrows into a white water channel it becomes a force to be reckoned with - capable of moving a great deal of water very rapidly through a narrow canyon.  His vision has little to do with his image or accomplishments - and probably not his mustache.

Vision nags at me, as it should.  The Bible says that "where vision is lacking people die." - Whoa!  So vision must be more than buildings and budgets.  I confess I have had many "visionary" stopovers that in the end were, in reality, an acquisition that fostered my image - that were more about me and my accomplishments than God's Kingdom.

So what's the point?  I don't want that to happen here at my new stopover.  I am determined not to be fooled by stopovers of any kind that keep me from the real destiny God gave me.  I am praying that image builders will not block me from my arrival at a completed vision.  In the Bible Paul never completed his vision - in this way his vision was larger than his life.  My significance isn't about image or accomplishments but maybe, just maybe, about vision.  I took a good look at myself  in the mirror  today- stared myself down - not going to grow a mustache; however, I am going settle on a vision, what I can do and my image will be authentic.  If I  pursue my image I may miss my vision altogether - even with great mustache.  But - you can count on me wearing my Great Mustache T-Shirt soon - maybe even in the jeans - stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Coming from one who sports a full beard, I'd have no problem at all with a mustache - or jeans - or even a T-shirt! Whether you are aware or not, there are those outside our FBC circle who have already decided on your image. They're nearly as excited for us and this community as we are!
